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AI Text Tools

Visible Statements AI Summary:

Summarize currently visible statements. To change visibility, use the Filter menu above or select topics or nodes on the graph.

filter is off, all statements visible | reset
AI: Summarize Visible Statements

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Graph Language Processing Settings:

Specify the settings for your text-to-network conversion algorithm for this graph.
Lemmatizer Language: ?
Every word will be converted to its lemma (e.g. bricks > brick, taken > take) and will be shown on the graph as a node. Set to your language for more precise results. Switch off to turn off lemmatization and add your custom stop words list below.
Graph Shows: ?
By default, we show a graph of words and entities detected and tagged using #hashtags or [[wiki links]] in the text. You can also choose to show only relations between the entities.
Words to Hide: ?
List the stopwords, comma-separated (no spaces), that should not appear in the graph, in addition to your default global stopwords list.
Example: is,the,as,to,in

Process Words:   Process [[Wiki Links]]:  Mentions @:  Categories and Tags:   
Synonym Nodes: ? unmerge all
If you'd like some words to appear as one node on the graph, in addition to your default global synonyms list, list the synonyms, one per line.
machine:machine learning
learning:machine learning


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Dynamic Graph Settings

See the dynamic evolution of this graph: scroll or "play" the text entries to see how the text propagated through the network graph over time.

Play the Graph

current speed of the player:
0 2000

one statement at a time

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Export the Data

Network Graph Images:

The graph images for publishing on the web or in a journal. For embeds and URLs use the share menu.
PNG (Image)  SVG (Hi-Res)

Visible Statements (Tagged with Topics):

Export the currently filtered (visible) statements with all the meta-data tags (topics, sentiment).
CSV (Spreadsheet)   MD (e.g.Obsidian)  

Text Mining Analytics:

Summary of insights from the analytics panel. For specific in-depth exports, see the download button in the Analytics panel.
TXT Analytics Report  Keywords  CSV Report
N-Grams CSV

Network Graph Data:

The raw data with all the statistics for further analysis in another software.
JSON  CSV  Gexf (Gephi)

Original Text (for backup and duplicating):

TXT (no meta-data)   JSON (with tags)
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Your Project Notes
Interpret graph data, save ideas, AI content, and analytics reports. Auto-Generate from Analytics
AI: Summarize
Top keywords (global influence):
Top topics (local contexts):
Explore the main topics and terms outlined above or see them in the excerpts from this text below.
See the relevant data in context: click here to show the excerpts from this text that contain these topics below.
Tip: use the form below to save the most relevant keywords for this search query. Or start writing your content and see how it relates to the existing search queries and results.
Tip: here are the keyword queries that people search for but don't actually find in the search results.

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Show Nodes with Degree > 0:

0 0

Total Nodes Shown:

Filter Graphs:

Filter Time Range
from: 0
to: 0

Recalculate Metrics Reset Filters
Show Labels for Nodes > 0 size:

0 0

Default Label Size: 0

0 20

Edges Type:

Layout Type:


Reset to Default
semantic variability:
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Semantic Variability Score
— modulates diversity of the discourse network  how it works?
The score is calculated based on how modular the structure of the graph is (> 0.4 means the clusters are distinct and separate from one another = multiple perspectives). It also takes into account how the most influential nodes are dispersed among those clusters (higher % = lower concentration of power in a particular cluster).
Actionable Insight:


We distinguish 4 states of variability in your discourse. We recommend that a well-formed discourse should go through every stage during its evolution (in several iterations).

  1 - (bottom left quadrant) — biased — low variability, low diversity, one central idea (genesis and introduction stage).
  2 - (top right) - focused - medium variability and diversity, several concepts form a cluster (coherent communication stage).
  3 - (bottom right) - diversified — there are several distinct clusters of main ideas present in text, which interact on the global level but maintain specificity (optimization and reflection stage).
  4 - (left top) — dispersed — very high variability — there are disjointed bits and pieces of unrelated ideas, which can be used to construct new ideas (creative reformulation stage).

Read more in the cognitive variability help article.
Generate AI Suggestions
Your Workflow Variability:
Shows to what extent you explored all the different states of the graph, from uniform and regular to fractal and complex. Read more in the cognitive variability help article.

You can increase the score by adding content into the graph (your own and AI-generated), as well as removing the nodes from the graph to reveal latent topics and hidden patterns.
Phases to Explore:
AI Suggestions  
Text Analytics Panel
Main Ideas Summary:
The summary is generated based on the text analyzed as well as the underlying knowledge graph structure and topics to retain semantic relations.
please, add your data to display the topics...
☷ save to notes copy   ↻  Reveal Underlying Ideas

Question to Explore:
  ?   highlight in network
Based on the blind spots found in this knowledge graph or on the nodes you select.

We identify the topics that could be better connected and generate a question bridges a gap between them: helping you get the maximum informational gain in this particular context.
☷ save to notes copy to AI   ↻ Reload Question  

Main Topics
  ?   full table
The topical clusters are comprised of the nodes (words) that tend to co-occur together in the same context (next to each other). Click Reveal High-Level Ideas to use GPT-4 to auto-generate names for them.
The percentage shows the relative influence of a topic in a discourse based on the sum of betweenness centrality of the nodes contained within. The number that follows is the total number of nodes in each cluster.

We use a combination of clustering and graph community detection algorithm (Blondel et al based on Louvain) to identify the groups of nodes are more densely connected together than with the rest of the network. They are aligned closer to each other on the graph using the Force Atlas algorithm (Jacomy et al) and are given a distinct color.
please, add your data to display the stats...
+  ☷ save to notes     Reveal High-Level Ideas

Most Influential Concepts
The most influential nodes are either the ones with the highest betweenness centrality — appearing most often on the shortest path between any two randomly chosen nodes (i.e. linking the different distinct communities) — or the ones with the highest degree.

We use the Jenks elbow cutoff algorithm to select the top prominent nodes that have significantly higher influence than the rest.

Click the Reveal Underlying Ideas button to remove the most influential words (or the ones you select) from the graph, to see what terms are hiding behind them.
please, add your data to display the stats...
☷ save to notes     ↻  Reveal Underlying Ideas

AI: Paraphrase Graph   AI: Article Outline

Topical Diversity
Topical diversity score indicates whether this text is biased or focused toward a few central concepts or has multiple topical clusters that are distinct from one another. There are 4 possible states: Biased (Low), Focused (Medium), Diverse (Optimal), and Dispersed (Very High). The desired state depends on your objective, but for most situations the optimal state is Diverse. You can read more about it in our discourse diversity help article.

This measure is based on the modularity measure (>0.4 for medium, >0.65 for high modularity, measured with Louvain (Blondel et al 2008) community detection algorithm) in combination with the measure of influence distribution (the entropy of the top nodes' distribution among the top clusters), as well as the the percentage of nodes in the top topic, and relative influence of the top 2 topical clusters.
AI: Develop the Discourse

Download Reports:
Keywords  TXT Report  CSV Report  More
Topics to Connect
(structural gaps to bridge with new insights)   ?
A structural gap shows the two distinct communities (clusters of words) in this graph that are important, but not very well connected. That's where the new potential and innovative ideas may reside.

This measure is based on a combination of the graph's connectivity and community structure, selecting the groups of nodes that would either make the graph more connected if it's too dispersed or that would help maintain diversity if it's too connected.
Highlight in Network   ↻ Show Another Gap  
AI: Insight Question  

Conceptual Gateways
(ideas to extend this discourse)   ?
These concepts can be effective entrance / connector points that can be used to embed ideas into this discourse or start a conversation on a related topic without touching upon the most obvious terms. They connect the discourse to both main ideas and peripheral topics. They also have high inlfuence, but not too many connections, which makes them less congested.

Technically, these are the nodes with high "diversivity" — they have unusually high rate of influence (betweenness centrality) to their frequency — meaning they may appear not as often as the most influential nodes but they are important narrative shifting points.
☷ save to notes   Highlight in Network   ↻ Undo Selection
AI: Generate a Statement  

Emerging Keywords

Evolution of Topics
(number of occurrences per text segment) ?
The chart shows how the main topics and the most influential keywords evolved over time. X-axis: time period (split into 10% blocks). Y-axis: cumulative number of occurrences.

Drag the slider to see how the narrative evolved over time. Select the checkbox to recalculate the metrics at every step (slower, but more precise).

Main Topics
(according to Latent Dirichlet Allocation):

LDA stands for Latent Dirichlet Allocation — it is a topic modelling algorithm based on calculating the maximum probability of the terms' co-occurrence in a particular text or a corpus.

We provide this data for you to be able to estimate the precision of the default InfraNodus topic modeling method based on text network analysis.
Most Influential Words
(main topics and words according to LDA):

We provide LDA stats for comparison purposes only. It works with English-language texts at the moment. More languages are coming soon, subscribe @noduslabs to be informed.

Sentiment Analysis

total statements analyzed:
positive: | negative: | neutral:
reset filter    ?  

We analyze the sentiment of each statement to see whether it's positive, negative, or neutral. You can filter the statements by sentiment (clicking above) and see what kind of topics correlate with every mood.

The approach is based on AFINN and Emoji Sentiment Ranking

Use the Bert AI model for English, Dutch, German, French, Spanish and Italian to get more precise results (slower). Standard model is faster, works for English only, is less precise, and is based on a fixed AFINN dictionary.

Selected Concepts Relation Analysis:

please, select the node(s) on the graph or in the table below to see their connections and filter the statements...
☷ save relations to notes   ⤓ CSV   ?  
AI: Generate an Idea  

Use this feature to compare contextual word co-occurrences for a group of selected nodes in your discourse. Expand the list by clicking the + button to see all the nodes your selected nodes are connected to. The total influence score is based on betweenness centrality measure. The higher is the number, the more important are the connections in the context of the discourse.
Top Relations in 4-grams
(most frequent co-occurrences of words in context) ?

☷ save top 8 pairs to notes   ⤓ CSV  

The most prominent relations between the nodes that exist in this graph are shown above. We treat the graph as undirected by default. Occurrences shows the number of the times a relationship appears in a 4-gram window. Weight shows the weight of that relation.

As an option, you can also downloaded directed bigrams above, in case the direction of the relations is important (for any application other than language).

Text Statistics:
Word Count Unique Lemmas Characters Lemmas Density

Top Lemmas in Text Network:
Show Overlapping Nodes Only

⤓ Download as CSV  ⤓ Download an Excel File
⤓ Download Full Graph as JSON
Discourse Network Structure Insights
mind-viral immunity:
The higher is the network's structure diversity and the higher is the alpha in the influence propagation score, the higher is its mind-viral immunity — that is, such network will be more resilient and adaptive than a less diverse one.

In case of a discourse network, high mind-viral immunity means that the text proposes multiple points of view and propagates its influence using both highly influential concepts and smaller, secondary topics.

We recommend to try to increase mind-viral immunity for texts that have a low score and to decrease it for texts that have a high score. This ensures that your discourse will be open, but not dispersed.
The higher is the diversity, the more distinct communities (topics) there are in this network, the more likely it will be pluralist.
The network structure indicates the level of its diversity. It is based on the modularity measure (>0.4 for medium, >0.65 for high modularity, measured with Louvain (Blondel et al 2008) community detection algorithm) in combination with the measure of influence distribution (the entropy of the top nodes' distribution among the top clusters), as well as the the percentage of nodes in the top community, and relative influence of the top 2 topical clusters.

We recommend to aim for Diversified structure if you're in the Biased or Focused score range and to aim for the Focused structure if you're in the Dispersed score range.

Influence Distribution
Topics Nodes in Top Topic Components Nodes in Top Comp
Nodes Av Degree Density Weighed Betweenness

Discourse Advice:
AI: Develop the Discourse

Narrative Influence Propagation:
The chart above shows how influence propagates through the network. X-axis: lemma to lemma step (narrative chronology). Y-axis: change of influence.

The more even and rhythmical this propagation is, the stronger is the central idea or agenda (see alpha exponent below ~ 0.5 or less).

The more variability can be seen in the propagation profile, the less is the reliance on the main concepts (agenda), the stronger is the role of secondary topical clusters in the narrative.
propagation dynamics: | alpha exponent: (based on Detrended Fluctuation Analysis of influence) ?   show the chart
We plot the narrative as a time series of influence (using the words' betweenness score). We then apply detrended fluctuation analysis to identify fractality of this time series, plotting the log2 scales (x) to the log2 of accumulated fluctuations (y). If the resulting loglog relation can be approximated on a linear polyfit, there may be a power-law relation in how the influence propagates in this narrative over time (e.g. most of the time non-influential words, occasionally words with a high influence).

Using the alpha exponent of the fit (which is closely related to Hurst exponent)), we can better understand the nature of this relation: uniform (pulsating | alpha <= 0.65), variable (stationary, has long-term correlations | 0.65 < alpha <= 0.85), fractal (adaptive | 0.85 < alpha < 1.15), and complex (non-stationary | alpha >= 1.15).

For maximal diversity, adaptivity, and plurality, the narrative should be close to "fractal" (near-critical state). For fiction, essays, and some forms of poetry — "uniform". Informative texts will often have "variable + stationary" score. The "complex" state is an indicator that the text is always shifting its state.

Degree Distribution:
  calculate & show   ?
(based on kolmogorov-smirnov test) ?   switch to linear
Using this information, you can identify whether the network has scale-free / small-world (long-tail power law distribution) or random (normal, bell-shaped distribution) network properties.

This may be important for understanding the level of resilience and the dynamics of propagation in this network. E.g. scale-free networks with long degree tails are more resilient against random attacks and will propagate information across the whole structure better.
If a power-law is identified, the nodes have preferential attachment (e.g. 20% of nodes tend to get 80% of connections), and the network may be scale-free, which may indicate that it's more resilient and adaptive. Absence of power law may indicate a more equalized distribution of influence.

Kolmogorov-Smirnov test compares the distribution above to the "ideal" power-law ones (^1, ^1.5, ^2) and looks for the best fit. If the value d is below the critical value cr it is a sign that the both distributions are similar.

Please, enter a search query to visualize the difference between what people search for (related queries) and what they actually find (search results):

We will build two graphs:
1) Google search results for your query;
2) Related searches for your query (Google's SERP);
Click the Missing Content tab to see the graph that shows the difference between what people search for and what they actually find, indicating the content you could create to fulfil this gap.
Please, enter a search query to discover what else people are searching for (from Google search or AdWords suggestions):

We will build a graph of the search phrases related to your query (Google's SERP suggestions).
Compare informational supply (search results for your query) to informational demand (what people also search for) and find what's missing:

We will build two graphs:
1) the content that already exists when you make this search query (informational supply);
2) what else people are searching for when they make this query (informational demand);
You can then click the Niche tab to see the difference between the supply and the demand — what people need but do not yet find — the opportunity gap to fulfil.
Please, enter your query to visualize Google search results as a graph, so you can learn more about this topic:

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Discover the main topics, recurrent themes, and missing connections in any text or an article:  
Discover the main themes, sentiment, recurrent topics, and hidden connections in open survey responses, interviews, questionnaires, or any other text:  
Discover the main themes, sentiment, recurrent topics, and hidden connections in customer product reviews:  
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Enter a topic or a @user to analyze its social network on Twitter:

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